Bewitched Bookworms

the little sister of the Bewitched Bookworms....


Sex & Violence

Sex & Violence - Carrie Mesrobian Full Review to come... Sex & Violence was a powerful, raw and sometimes uncomfortable story that was deliciously unfiltered and frighteningly genuine.Warning: this book even though labeled as Young Adult deals with sex, drugs, alcohol, heavy language and violence.

The Burning Sky

The Burning Sky - Full Review to come... I feel like I didn’t do this book justice because seriously, I loved this book to pieces! It was full of magic moments that made me gasps and brought me back to the first time I visited Hogwarts!!! I LOVED the magic and all they could do with this. But I especially loved the characters, their deepness and their careful development and subtle but super sweet romance! Fans of high Fantasy, Harry Potter and amazingly memorable characters entangled into a sweet romance will love Burning Sky!!

Faking It

Faking It - Cora Carmack Loved it! Just the ending was too fast ....

The Beginning of Everything

The Beginning of Everything - Robyn Schneider, Robyn Schneider You know these books where you read the first few pages and you just know with absolute certainty that you adore this writing style, the words and that you know you will end up loving this book? Yes, this totally happened to me here… Beautiful Words – Wonderful Characters This book is filled with words that are just beautiful! The writing was so easy and effortless that I was so drawn into this book like it’s not happening so very often. I was glued to the pages drawing every word into myself until I wanted to live in this book. Yes, I know big word, but that’s how I felt. Ezra who tells us his story here was a perfect narrator and it was so easy to get lost into his story full of tragedies, humor, romance and finding his true self. Together with a vast cast of amazingly real and touching characters and I was totally and completely enthralled.


Ink - Amanda Sun Loved loved loved the mythology !!! So different, beautiful unique and endearing. But also sometimes scary but just a whole lot different. Great amazing debut.

All Our Pretty Songs

All Our Pretty Songs - Sarah McCarry That was surpassingly ... Odd and ... Weird but incredibly beautiful written. Poetic. ... Must order my thoughts ...

Find Me

Find Me - Romily Bernard FIND ME was an thrilling plot with an nerdy heroine made of awesome! The combination of thriller, social issues and the soft but sexy romance made Find Me an compelling debut!

The Brokenhearted

The Brokenhearted - Amelia Kahaney 3.5 Stars... I really liked it.. the story was unqiue and quite catching. However I figured the big plot twist out already at 30% and I do not think that was necessary...

Chosen at Nightfall (Shadow Falls Novel)

Chosen at Nightfall - C.C. Hunter Read Review at Bewitched Bookworms Kylie – Who are you Girl?One of the biggest questions throughout this series was what Kylie truly is in the paranormal world. That’s she’s far from being normal and something utterly unique became clear quite early in the series. Kylie desperately tried to find a place in the supernatural world, which wasn’t easy as all the different species tempt to keep for themselves.In this last installment Kylie knows who she is, but still fight against cross-species prejudice and ancient rules to keep the species to themselves. After trying hard to find her own place she now fights for a better supernatural world. You cannot help yourself but admire Kylie for her optimism and sheer determination to change things. I just loved Kylie and she outdid herself in Chosen at Nightfall. She was even stronger and even more determined.The Boys ..sigh… Team Lucas or Team Derek?!?! Tell me now!!Apart from Kylie search to discover who she is there were always 2 boys around her and each one deliciously sexy and amazing. Lucas the hot sexy werewolf and Derek the cute but just as sexy Faery. Even though I’m not a fan of Love Triangles, here it was done perfectly right!!! Normally, I know from the beginning which boy will get the girl. Here? I didn’t know till the very end and it only shoes CC Hunter’s amazing talent to make us care for both boys equally.Even while reading this last installment I was torn until finally it all became clear and I was cheering for Kylie’s choice! She couldn’t have done it any better!Team Lucas or Team Derek? Oh… I will forever be Team Lurek! I love them both and it was an amazing ride seeing them both fighting for Kylie. An ending with Tears and Joy!The end was perfection and I cannot say it any other way. The whole series was wrapped up so neatly and there was nothing missing in the grand scheme of things. CC Hunter managed to tie up all loose ends and I’m leaving Kylie and … (No, I’m not saying…) with a sad smile. This series is one of my favorites and I’m just sad it’s over…. (*please see below for exciting news!!)Bottom LineChosen at Nightfall by CC Hunter completes one of my favorite paranormal series and ‘I’m leaving it with a smile and a tear in my eyes. I followed Kylie’s journey excitingly and passionately throughout this series and everything wraps up perfectly at the end. The Shadow Falls series is for all paranormal fans that love hot sexy boys, beautifully displayed family and friendship bondsThe Shadow Falls series belongs to my favorite YA series. It has everything I wish for in a YA paranormal series. A thrilling tale that moves with a great pace, where layers of secrets are revealed in a way that we are never bored. A Love Triangle that is perfectly played out and is not making us feel bad about any of Kylie’s choices. Taken At Dusk delivers just as its predecessors and continues a gripping story about self-discoveries, finding a place in the world, friendship, and love. So, if you didn’t start this series yet, I can only encourage you to do so…

No Angel

No Angel - Helen Keeble Pure comedy!!! That was hilarious and refreshing! I adore the authors voice and writing style! This totally stood out among allThe other books I usually read. !

Night School

Night School  - C.J. Daugherty Read full Review at Bewitched Bookworms Boarding Schools rock!A Boarding School setting is always something I especially love. I can’t even say why, but I love picking up books that are set in a boarding school. Alli our main character is a trouble maker and is send to Cimmeria after her parents have no idea anymore what to do with her. She’s troubled, angry and definitely needs a new environment to get back on track. Just Allie has no idea what she is getting really into when attending this school. There is a mysterious wall around this school and everyone is so secretive that Allie is needs to figure out what is going on at Night…Alli – Troubled Stubborn TeenAlli was a great character and we clicked right from the beginning.It takes her some time to get accustomed to her new surroundings but she is not as stubborn as she would not try to make the best out of it. And… she realizes life is not as bad as it seems and she makes some freinds and… also experiences some romance! There are two boys seeking Allies attention and I want to primarily mention Carter as I loved him the most! He has a bad boy attitude but you could already feel very early that he has only Allies best interest at hear. The Love Triangle was nicely done and I didn’t feel completely lost as I usually feel with Love Triangles. Here, it makes sense and helps Alli to grow and develop!Mysteries over MysteriesI think the strongest part of the book was figuring out what exactly the Night School is! Allie desperately wants to get behind the secrets but we are kept in the dark for a very long time. This keeps us on edge and actually makes us turn pages even faster! I must say that I did expect something completely else and I was totally dumfounded when we finally found it all out. To be completely honest I expected something a little more.. epic? Still, this book definitely had a thrill factor that was very exciting and together with some unique characters made an excellent read for all fans of YA Mysteries!Bottom LineNight School by C.J. Daugherty is a thrilling and mysterious tale that comes with a great cast of character. A Love Triangle mixed with the secret surrounding the school makes this book a fantastic read for all Young Adult fans who want something different!

Nantucket Blue

Nantucket Blue - Leila Howland Read full Review at Bewitched BookwormsSummer in NantucketCricket was excited when her best friend Jules invited her to spend the summer with her family. But when tragedy comes to Jules family, Cricked is not welcome anymore. But Cricked dreamed about Nantucket for so long that she’s determined to stay there on her own!This summer turns out to be completely different! Cricket – my girl with the beautiful heart!I loved loved LOOOOVED Cricket! She was beautifully real and such an incredible genuine character. When Jules her best friends turns away from away because she s full of grief, Cricket is not giving up on her even though Jules hurts he badly. But Cricket is just a wonderful soft hearted and loyal friend that I fell deeply in love with her.Even more, Cricket finds herself in some awkward moments, but all those moments just felt so real, like it could have been us not having always the perfect retort or behaving utterly girls and then being embarrassed afterwards. Family, Friendship and RomanceNantucket Blue had the perfect combination of family, friendship and romance beautifully melted together for this perfect summer read. The romance was also something absolutely outstanding in my point of view. It was slow, but the chemistry was unmistakable and there were also some sizzling moments! Also, the romance absolutely surprised me and dealed with something not many authors dare to address! I loved this so freaking much and just like all the rest of the book, also the romance felt wonderfully genuine.


Breathless - Brigid Kemmerer Holy cow I didn't expect this!!!!!!! Gosh I just love what Brigid is doing to us.

The Winner's Curse

The Winner's Curse - Marie Rutkoski Freaking loved this book! Totally blew me away with an amazing cast of characters and a thrilling storyline!

The Last Academy

The Last Academy - 2.5 this really wasn't something for me.

Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson Series #3)

Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson Series #3) - The best one so far!! And yes I'm totally addicted to this series right now!!!!