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Pimp My Booklikes Design Giveaway!

Reblogged from Parajunkee:

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Extra bit of awesome. If this giveaway reaches 1K entries - another winner will be added. That means two people will have their booklikes blog pimped. Here is hoping, right? If I only get 100 entries, I will form a support group for rejected designers. Anyone can join...



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  • If entries pass 1k another booklikes design will be added.



The Social Code by Sadie Hayes

Social Code, The (Start-Up) - Sadie Hayes

Just posted my Review on the Blog - and .. I so loved this book! If you are looking for a New Adult that is completely different than check my review! 

Cruel Beauty

Cruel Beauty - Rosamund Hodge Surreal! But my truly great and unique.

Stir Me Up

Stir Me Up - Sabrina Elkins That was cute and hot and full of emotion!!! It wss deep and real and had two amazing characters. I couldn't have loved Cami and Julian any more!!!. Basically this story has everything I'm always looking for!!!!Fans of Katie McGarry will devour this book as much as I did.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - Ahhhmaaazing!

Smoke, Wings and Stone

Smoke, Wings and Stone - Marijon Braden Oh I wanted to love tis book so much! I definitely love the idea, gargoyles ? Yes, that sounds awesome and exciting.I did like the idea, I did love the gargoyles and the magic a lot. Is also liked Carrie, one of the sisters and protagonists. She was strong, outspoken and just easy to relate to.I think my problem begun with an instant love that I couldn't grasp. Instant love it always something hard to get, so it needs to be handled delicately to win me over. Already confused by the love made meeting Luc - on old Gargoyle prince - even worse.I think he could have been an awesome love interest and hero, but the way he was portrayed made me not fall for him. He, as a person didn't make sense.He's a few hundred years old, studied in universities all over Europe,yet he doesn't speak proper English?????No.Sense.At.All!!!Also, the Luc we meet drunk as a party crasher has nothing in common with the prince we get to know later.Again, Luc makes no sense to me, and I felt he was developed with lots of inconsistencies.Oh and on a side note: I won't believe it that a French Prince would praise the American fast food over the wonderful French cuisine???? Moreover, that In France he always eats the same....? Please don't tell me this! I might be biased because I'm European, but this cant just be right. Those are all small tiny details, but they drove me nuts and I had to put the book aside a few times.Besides Luc, I also had some problems with Sara, the chosen love interest from Luc, Carries sister and the other POV in this story. She basically was a spoiled brat. I tried to like her,, but I didn't succeed!Another part I didn't like was the romance, I just didn't feel any love, any emotion and any romance even though there are two couples forming her.*sigh*Next, the pacing. There were long parts where nothing happened and then there were some dangerous moments with some bad Vampires, but then these instances were over pretty quick and didn't really get me a true feeling of danger.Ah I'm so sorry that I couldn't get into this story, but it was just not for me. Maybe I was rattled by those small details that kept me from fully emerging into the book. There are some really glowing reviews here on goodreads who love the story, so I say check for yourself and forget my rants;-))P.S. I got the book from the author for my honest opinion.P.P.S I wrote this on my iPad, so excuse typos and bad grammar, I'll go over it once I slept a night..

The Dream Thieves (The Raven Boys #2)

The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater Oh how I loved the first book. So , I have no idea what happened here. I felt disconnected from the story and the characters. Often I had a hard time understanding what was going on. Still, they lyrical writing is outstanding and plot itself thrilling and action packed.

The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)

The Iron Traitor  (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2) - Julie Kagawa Why oh why Julie must you always torture me with such horrific endings!! Now I must wait for another 6 month? Or even a year!?!

The Infinite Moment of Us

The Infinite Moment of Us - Lauren Myracle Read Review at Bewitched Bookworms Wren and Charlie – Souls Made of Each Other…This is the story of two kids who will experience love for the first time. Real, soul touching love, not just a first crush but two people who find each other and learn what love truly means.Told from both POV gave us insides into both Wren and Charlie’s feelings, insecurities and made it easy to connect with both. Even more, we were falling in love with them just together with their growing feelings. It was beautiful.And… when one of them screwed up, which simply is inevitable – we felt for both of them, we felt both of their heartbreak and betrayal. I think this was also something that stood out in this novel, for me it was easy to connect with both of them, not having favourites not loving one more than the other. Both had some moments of utter stupidity, but remembering their age, I understood and could relate.Soul Touching Lovethe love and the romance was… incredibly beautiful and so touching and moving that it was just perfect! If you know me a little, you know how much I crave romance in books, so Infinite Moments of Us was just the perfect book for me! This love story went deeper than the usual crush we find in YA literature, it was more of a soul touching love that might last forever.The beginning felt like normal Teenagers when they start to date, but soon they are just a sweet loving couple and do all the things like dating and going out. But underneath was always this all consuming love, which frightened them but simply was there.“You’re my home, Charlie. Thanks for finding me.”What I also loved was the maturity of this story. This book was definitely aimed at older YA as Wren and Charlie also experience their very first time and not just talk about sex, but actually having sex. I loved the way it was handled as it felt absolutely perfect and real for me. They are both 18 so Sex is a natural addition and I’m happy it was not completely left out, but being a vital part of this story.“I didn’t think love existed until I met you. I thought it was something people made up.I thought people who believed in love were either lying to me or themselves. But then you came along…” So Different, Yet so Right for each other.. .Wren and Charlie are so different, come from different backgrounds and had different demons to fight. But despite their differences their love made them strong, even if they both struggled, especially with their incredible different upbringing.Wren being the protected only child, while Charlie being in a foster family with a mother who treated him horribly as a child. But each one struggled, each one is having problems on their own – but they are there for each other and face it together. They just need to learn that sometimes being together means also letting the other help. Yes, both had to learn and both needed to grow with each other to be truly together.


Great - Sara Benincasa Great story just not an ending I was hoping for...

Darker Days (The Darker Agency, #1)

Darker Days (The Darker Agency, #1) - Jus Accardo So much fun and so much snark!!!

Hunted (The Iron Druid Chronicles, Book Six)

Hunted - Kevin Hearne, Luke Daniels Awesometastic as usual!! Loved the ending :-))


Unbreakable - Kami Garcia 4.5Eery, edgy , romantic and thrilling!!!! Feels like Supernatural meets The Illuminati paired with Young Adult Romance!

Through the Zombie Glass

Through the Zombie Glass - Gena Showalter So freaking amazing!!!!!! So good, my heart broke but it was whole again at the end!! Loved every second , every page! More!!!

Social Code, The (Start-Up)

Social Code, The (Start-Up) - Sadie Hayes That is gossip girl for nerds and geeks! Love it! A little more romance would have been nice.

Just Like Fate

Just Like Fate - Cat Patrick, Suzanne Young Read Review at Bewitched BookwormsWhat If…I made a different choice back then? We all have asked ourselves this before and in “Just Like Fate” we actually explore two choices. Caroline has two choices at the night of her beloved Grandma’s death – either stay with her until the end, or leave with her friend for a party. Now I must point out that Caroline had no way of knowing her Grandma would actually die this night, and she was devasted that she was so sick and wouldn’t recover. So, for me both her choices made sense. Getting out to forget for a few minutest the desperation and utter sadness or stay and wait, even though no one knew when it would be the end… Caroline – a Runner, not ready to face her problems!I guess Caroline will split the readers, because she is a runner, she likes to run from her problems instead of facing them. Personally, I think that made Caroline incredibly real and genuine as not everyone likes to face a problem and if there is a way out, there are lots of people who would take this opportunity. But I can see why some people might not like Caroline. Sure, sometimes I could also have strangled her, but in the end this whole story is also about the growth of Caroline to become someone who deals with problems instead of running. I found this approach truly genuine and real, which is why I truly loved this book! Two Storylines woven seamlessly into one!I really liked the way these two authors explored the two possibilities, as each chapter was labels with either “stay” or “go” so we immediately knew where we are. In one storyline, Caroline finally gets what she always wanted; the long time crush finally shows interest in her. In the other storyline she meets the wonderful College boy Chris. But I’m getting to the romance in a second! The way the authors handled both situation was great and effortless but most of all it was understandable and not confusing. It's always a very fine line when dealing with parallel realities and storylines but these two authors managed it perfectly in my opinion! Love, Romance, Family and Fate…Caroline has big problems with her sister and her Mom but in each storyline she deals differently with them and in each storyline she faces these problems in a different way. I loved both developments as it shows the strengths between family bonds and that even though you think everything is broken, you can always go back as your family just loves you!Apart from the family issues and how they developed and were resolved and dealt with, I loved the most the romance with Chris!Gosh, this boy was made of awesome and win! He was utterly cute, totally endearing and just perfect to get Caroline out of her shell! The chemistry between them was nearly palpable and their easy and instant connection was just perfection!“But then there was you. Your terrible jokes and your quite signing. Your beautiful eyes and the way you try to fix things. I was wrong – you don’t disappoint me. You amaze me!” The Ending!The ending again will split readers and I won’t say anything, other that it was absolutely perfect!!!