Bewitched Bookworms

the little sister of the Bewitched Bookworms....


Nantucket Blue

Nantucket Blue - Leila Howland Read full Review at Bewitched BookwormsSummer in NantucketCricket was excited when her best friend Jules invited her to spend the summer with her family. But when tragedy comes to Jules family, Cricked is not welcome anymore. But Cricked dreamed about Nantucket for so long that she’s determined to stay there on her own!This summer turns out to be completely different! Cricket – my girl with the beautiful heart!I loved loved LOOOOVED Cricket! She was beautifully real and such an incredible genuine character. When Jules her best friends turns away from away because she s full of grief, Cricket is not giving up on her even though Jules hurts he badly. But Cricket is just a wonderful soft hearted and loyal friend that I fell deeply in love with her.Even more, Cricket finds herself in some awkward moments, but all those moments just felt so real, like it could have been us not having always the perfect retort or behaving utterly girls and then being embarrassed afterwards. Family, Friendship and RomanceNantucket Blue had the perfect combination of family, friendship and romance beautifully melted together for this perfect summer read. The romance was also something absolutely outstanding in my point of view. It was slow, but the chemistry was unmistakable and there were also some sizzling moments! Also, the romance absolutely surprised me and dealed with something not many authors dare to address! I loved this so freaking much and just like all the rest of the book, also the romance felt wonderfully genuine.